'Elegance personified' is the phrase that fits completely for T-Mobile Ameo 16GB. Loaded with every kind of possible latest state of art technologies, this amazing widget is surely an eye catcher of a sort. Even the processing speed is quite exceptional, thanks to 32bit Intel XScale PXA270 processor. The expensive looking space conscious electronic device, comes at a surprisingly low price, that's why people prefer it over others. The 5-inch touchscreen display is another high point of this magnificent electronic device. That's not all, there is also a 3.0 mega pixels built-in camera with autofocus that makes capturing images fun. There is also a secondary videocall camera for those who are not satisfied with one. T-Mobile Ameo 16GB also has got a feature of built-in GPS, which makes it best companion of the users when on excursion or any visit. With the 16 Giga bytes of memory, T-Mobile Ameo 16GB version is just unmatchable when it comes to storage capacity.